About the awards
Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) provide research experience opportunities for undergraduate students. Through these awards, eligible professors receive a subsidy to hire students to work on interesting research-related jobs and projects.
Award duration
The minimum normal duration of the award is 14 to16 consecutive weeks of full-time work. The Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) makes no provision for sick leave or other interruption of awards.
Under exceptional circumstances, NSERC may approve awards for periods of less than 14 weeks, but prior approval is required. Exceptions will be made for shortened work terms only in specific cases where the situation is beyond the control of the award recipient, and where the appropriately justified request is received before the beginning of the work term.
Value of awards
The Undergraduate Student Research Awards have a value of $6,000 CAD each. This amount will be reimbursed to your faculty supervisor’s account at the end of your work tenure.
Based on the current BC minimum wage requirements, which states that the minimum wage is $17.40 per hour, the minimum pay for the tenure of your award of 16 weeks is $10,133.76, inclusive of 4% vacation pay. If the award is longer than 16 weeks, your pay should increase by a minimum of $633.36 for each additional week, inclusive of 4% vacation pay, or $126.67 for each additional day, inclusive of 4% vacation pay.
Your supervisor is also required to fund benefits such as the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Employment Insurance (EI), and Workers Compensation Board (WCB). These benefits amount to approximately 7.48% of the salary.
Payment of awards
You will receive your payment from the university in accordance with its pay procedures. You will also receive a T4 or T4A slip (Statement of Income) for tax purposes from UBC Payroll.
NSERC will not reimburse the University for any period during which you worked part-time. No payment will be approved for any vacation leave you take during the tenure of the award.