
UBC classes, grades, and more

Learn about course formats, student assessment criteria, and exam information.

Read about UBC’s grading practices, grade release dates, and more.

Determine what you’ll need to register, such as your registration appointment and saved schedule.

Review deadlines for adding, dropping, or changing your courses, particularly in the first few weeks of term.

Consider what to do if you need to take an “academic leave” from your studies.

Dropping a course can impact your full-time or part-time status as an international student.

Familiarize yourself with the guidelines before you request time away from your studies.

Types of coursework

Take 3-credit seminar courses led by upper-year undergraduate students on a particular topic.

Students in certain programs can take an elective course without percentage grades.

If you’re not enrolled in a UBC degree, diploma, or certificate, you may still take UBC credit-based courses.

Take 3-credit seminar courses led by upper-year undergraduate students on a particular topic.

Course activities can be delivered through in-person, online, hybrid, or multi-access learning.