Student loan interest

Keep your student loan payment-free and interest-free

If you had a previous loan, you must notify your lender that you have returned to part-time or full-time study to keep your student loan interest-free and prevent your loan from entering repayment.

If you do not notify your lenders, your loans may begin to build interest and you will enter repayment.

Notifying your lenders

Notify your lenders as soon as possible for each new eligible study period.

To find out if you are a part-time or full-time student and if you are registered in an eligible course load for your loans, visit the Course Load Guide.

Your lenders will automatically be notified of your return to study only if one of the following happens: 

  • You submit a payment-free or interest-free request to the same province, lender, or loan program as last year.
  • You apply for a new student loan and receive funding before you enter repayment from the same province, lender, or loan program as last year.

Students with full-time Canadian government funding

Complete the following steps for your province or territory to notify your lenders.

Apply for in study payment-free status online through StudentAid BC. This application will notify your federal, provincial, and pre-2000 lenders (e.g., banks), if applicable.

If you have both Alberta and Canada student loans, or only Canada student loans including previously issued part-time Canada loans, visit National Student Loans Service Centre’s (NSLSC) online services.

If you only have Alberta student loans, complete the Confirmation of Registration (Form B).

Students must apply for interest-free status through the Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP).

To apply for Continuation of Interest-Free Status, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your Account on your OSAP portal.
  2. Select “Apply for Continuation of Interest-Free Status (CIFS)”.
  3. Complete the online form.

Email your Enrolment Services Advisor to complete a Form 2006 for an interest-free request. You can find your advisor in Workday.

If you do not have an advisor, submit your question through the online form.

Submit a request for interest-free status through the National Student Loans Service Centre.

Students with part-time Canadian government funding

How to notify your lenders

There are specific instructions to notify your lender depending on the type of your part-time loan.

  • If you are not taking out a new part-time loan
    Register in an eligible course load for your part-time studies and notify your lenders by submitting a request for interest-free status through the National Student Loans Service Centre.
  • If you are taking out a new part-time loan
    Register in an eligible course load for your part-time studies, apply for a new loan, and receive funding before you enter repayment.

Students with US loans

If you applied for a previous loan, you must notify your lender that you have returned to part-time or full-time study.

If you do not notify your lenders, your loans will begin to accrue interest and you will enter repayment.

UBC can inform your lender(s) that you’ve returned to school through the National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS).

You’ll need to email to request that Enrolment Services submit your current enrolment information to your US lenders.

Your SSN is needed to add you to the NSLDS roster. Please provide your SSN to Enrolment Services by phone.

Once this update is submitted, you will be on a report that UBC completes once every 60 days for the NSLDS. You will not need to manually request an enrolment update again, unless you cease to be a full-time student at UBC for a semester or more.

In-school deferment eligibility

If you are registered in at least 6 credits per term, you will be eligible for In-School Deferment for your current study period.

Depending on the types of US loans you have, you may still build interest on your loans even if you are eligible for deferment.

If you have questions

If you have questions, please contact your Enrolment Services Advisor directly.

For general questions, please call 604 822 9836 or submit a question through the online form.