Centre for Accessibility
The Centre for Accessibility provides support and program initiatives designed to remove barriers for students with a disability or ongoing medical condition.
A variety of support is available for eligible students. You can register with the Centre to receive academic accommodations such as exam adaptations or classroom material in alternate formats instead of print.
The Centre for Accessibility provides non-academic accommodations and services including mobility training for students with visual impairments and priority placement for on-campus housing.
Mental health support
All students can receive free mental health support through Counselling Services.
Priority access to housing
As a student with a disability or chronic medical condition, if you feel that you need to live on campus or if you have special requirements for student housing, please review the Priority Housing Request Form to determine if you should apply.
All applications for on-campus residence must be made through UBC Student Housing and Community Services by February 15.
Additional Criteria
In order to be recommended for priority access, you must have disability-related needs or an ongoing medical condition that cannot be met in off-campus housing. The presence of a disability alone is insufficient to qualify for priority placement.
You are required to provide medical documentation indicating the presence of a disability or chronic medical condition, and how that condition necessitates on-campus housing.
Placements are typically offered in year-round housing.
Course Load Requirements
Student Housing’s credit load requirement is 9 credits per term. If you are unable to meet this for disability-related reasons, you can make a request to your Accessibility Advisor to remain eligible for student housing with a minimum of 6 on-campus credits per term.
Getting around campus
UBC provides a variety of services and accommodations to ensure our campus is as accessible as possible. If it is difficult for you to navigate around campus, browse options to support you, including accessible parking spaces, transit routes, and ride services.
You can also book the UBC Accessibility Shuttle, a free, shared ride service that can bring you to areas of campus that can otherwise be accessed only by foot.
Awards for students with disabilities
Browse the list of scholarships and bursaries offered to UBC students with disabilities and learn about eligibility requirements and application instructions.
If you have questions
The Centre for Accessibility facilitates disability-related accommodations and programming initiatives designed to remove barriers for students with disabilities and ongoing medical conditions.
Contact the Centre by email at info.accessibility@ubc.ca or call 604 822 5844.