Work opportunitiesUBC offers a range of part-time student positions and full-time jobs. Work LearnLearn from a mentor, expand your professional network, and gain work experience through a part-time UBC job while still taking classes. Internal link arrow active UBC Co-op programAlternate between study terms and paid work terms, and get a head start on building your career. Internal link arrow active Undergraduate researchAs one of the top research universities around the world, UBC offers a wide range of research opportunities for students. Internal link arrow active On-campus jobsEarn extra cash and build valuable work skills through a part-time student job on campus. Internal link arrow active CareersOnlineBrowse job opportunities or register for workshops on the online board for UBC students and alumni. Internal link arrow active Canada Summer Jobs ProgramSearch thousands of jobs for Canadians aged 15 to 30. New jobs are added regularly. Internal link arrow active
Involvement and leadershipBecome a student leader to support your peers on campus. Peer programsEnhance the UBC experience for fellow students as a leader in your faculty or topic of interest. Internal link arrow active Community experiencesApply for a grant to launch your community idea or volunteer at local nonprofit organizations and elementary schools during Reading Break. Internal link arrow active Orientation and Transition leadership opportunitiesWelcome and support new-to-UBC students at the start of the school year through Jump Start, Imagine UBC, and Collegia. Internal link arrow active Student Leadership ConferenceAttend workshops, motivational talks, and network with peers at the annual event for student leaders. Internal link arrow active Student Directed SeminarsIf you're an upper-year student, lead a dynamic, academic seminar on a topic of your choice in a collaborative learning environment. Internal link arrow active Social Impact LabTackle social and environmental issues with peers and community partners through actionable projects. Internal link arrow active
Student journalism Get experience in journalism, communications, writing, or digital media at UBC. The Ubyssey student newspaper CiTR campus radio station Discorder CiTR magazine UBC Recreation The Point Blog The Thunderbird by UBC Journalism students
Get career help Book a career advising session, register for career-building workshops, and browse resources available to you during your time at UBC. Find out more