Request an accommodation

Eligibility for accommodations

Academic accommodations help students with a disability or ongoing medical condition overcome challenges that may affect their academic success.

UBC's Centre for Accessibility determines a student's eligibility for accommodations in accordance with the university's Disability Accommodation Policy LR7 (pdf).

The types of conditions supported by the Centre for Accessibility include, but are not limited to:

  • Mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety disorders, or bipolar disorder
  • Neurological disabilities such as attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, head injuries, and Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Chronic health conditions including ongoing medical conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, Crohn’s disease, or migraines
  • Physical or sensory disabilities, such as visual impairment, hearing loss, or mobility impairments

Academic accommodations are not determined by your instructor. However, your instructor may consult with the Centre for Accessibility should the accommodations affect the essential learning outcomes of a course. 

If you have a temporary injury or condition

The Centre for Accessibility typically works with students with permanent, chronic or long term conditions. If you are experiencing a temporary injury or acute medical condition that is not expected to persist for longer than 1 term, please connect with Academic Advising.

How to request an accommodation

To request an accommodation, you must register with the Centre by booking an appointment with an Accessibility Advisor. You are encouraged to register as soon as you have accepted your UBC offer of admission.

There is typically a 1- to 3-week waiting period for new client appointments. Please contact your Academic Advisor if you have a time-sensitive, urgent academic issue such as an exam or assignment deadline before your appointment with the Centre.

After your appointment, your Accessibility Advisor will determine the academic accommodations you're eligible for.

All intake appointments are scheduled for 1 hour except for prospective students and those in the Real Estate program or affiliate colleges, which are scheduled for 30 minutes.

Changing your academic accommodations

Meet with your Accessibility Advisor as early as possible to request new accommodations or changes to your current ones. Depending on the nature of the accommodation and the timing of the request, it may not be possible to implement the changes immediately.


You are not required to share information or documentation about your disability or ongoing medical condition with your instructor or any other UBC office. Your transcript and other student records will not show your registration with the Centre for Accessibility.

By registering with the Centre for Accessibility, you give permission for the Centre to share the minimum information necessary to provide their service.

The Centre for Accessibility is committed to keeping your documentation confidential in accordance with BC's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act.

Inform your instructor

Once you are registered with the Centre for Accessibility, you will be able to download your Letter of Accommodation that should be given to the instructor of the class that you are seeking the accommodation in as soon as possible and preferably within the first 2 weeks of the class.

If additional information about the nature of your disability or documentation is required, please direct your instructor or other UBC units to the Centre for Accessibility.

Student resources

Additional resources

If you have questions