Descriptions of affiliation scholarships


Read through the award descriptions below to determine what you may be eligible for, and what documentation is required to apply.

ALPHA Gamma Delta Award [#626]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: A letter of recommendation from the Fraternity must be submitted with your application.

Up to 2 awards of $5,250 have been endowed by the Alpha Gamma Delta Alumnae to a member of the Alpha Gamma Delta Fraternity who is entering her second or higher year of study. The selection committee will consider the student’s academic abilities, university and community activities, and service within the Fraternity. Members of the fraternity who wish to be considered for the award should contact the collegiate Chapter President in the fall.

CANADIAN Armed Forces Memorial Scholarship [#673]

Campus: Vancouver

Up to 4 scholarships of $2,062 each have been endowed by the trustees of the UBC Combined Services Trust Fund and of the trustees of the Canadian Officers Training Corps Unit Trust Fund to commemorate those who gave their lives in the service of Canada. One of the scholarships honours the memory of Surgeon Captain Maurice D. Young who was a Commanding Officer of the University Naval Training Division at UBC and a distinguished professor in the Faculty of Medicine.

Undergraduate and graduate students who are serving or who have served in the Reserves or Regular Forces of Canada, are serving or have served as Cadets, or are descendants of those who have served in the Reserves or Regular Forces of Canada are eligible for these scholarships.

COUNCIL for Exceptional Children Samuel Laycock Book Prize [#1921]

Campus: Vancouver

Suggested documentation: Your application should clearly indicate your qualifications for the award and should include a letter of recommendation from the appropriate department.

A $300 prize, gift of the Council for Exceptional Children 646, is offered in all fields and faculties dealing with exceptional children, such as psychology, psychiatry, medicine, education, and open to all students, undergraduate or graduate, who have an interest in exceptional children and have shown an aptitude for study and investigation concerning them. The winner is selected by Enrolment Services from student applications. Applications should clearly indicate the applicant’s qualifications for the award and should include a letter of recommendation from the appropriate department.

Dr. Peter Gee-Pan MAR Memorial Scholarship [#4346]

Campus: Vancouver

Up to 2 scholarships of $4,800 have been made available through an endowment established by family and friends in memory of Peter and his wife, Kathryn Liang Chi-Fang Mar, to a student entering fourth-year Science and proceeding towards the degree of B.Sc. (Honours) in Biochemistry. Preference is given to candidates born in Canada, of Chinese ancestry. The scholarship is made on the recommendation of Enrolment Services in consultation with the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.

Dr. Yun-I SSU Memorial Prize [#517]

Campus: Vancouver

A $750 prize has been endowed by friends of the late Dr. Yun-I Ssu (Ph.D. in Metallurgy, University of B.C., 1960). It is awarded to the student of Chinese ancestry with the highest scholastic standing in the year preceding his or her final year in attendance.

Earl Kinney Memorial Scholarship [#577]

Campus: Vancouver and non-UBC students

A $1,000 award is offered annually by Unifor, Local 780G, to students entering the second or higher year of a full academic program of studies at any University, College or other post-secondary institution in the provinces of British Columbia or Alberta. To be eligible, an applicant must be a member, legal ward or the son/grandson, daughter/granddaughter of a member in good standing and must enclose a letter from the Union attesting to their eligibility. The award will be made to the most accomplished applicant as determined by the University.

FACULTY Women’s Club Anne Wesbrook Scholarship [#303]

Campus: Vancouver and non-UBC students

Scholarships totalling $36,300 are offered through an endowment given by the Faculty Women’s Club of the University of B.C.  It was established in 1919 to honour Anne Wesbrook, wife of the first President of UBC, and a founding member and Honorary President of the Club until her death in 1957.

The scholarships are awarded to female students who has obtained a baccalaureate degree from this university and is continuing her studies at graduate level or in the Faculties of Medicine, Dentistry or Law at this university or any other approved university; or to a woman who, after third year of university studies, is proceeding directly to a degree in Medicine, Dentistry or Law at this university or any other approved university.  Scholarships are made on the recommendation of Enrollment Services.

FACULTY Women’s Club Margaret MacKenzie Scholarship [#639]

Campus: Vancouver

A scholarship of $2,250 has been endowed by the Faculty Women’s Club of the University of British Columbia in honour of Margaret MacKenzie who, along with her late husband Norman MacKenzie, President Emeritus, contributed greatly to the development of the University of British Columbia. The award also recognizes her outstanding contributions to the Club and the University community. The award is offered to women students entering UBC for the first time and registering in an undergraduate program. Preference is given to a student with a demonstrated interest in hiking and cross-country skiing. The financial circumstances of the candidate will be considered.

FERGUSON Scholarship [#656]

Campus: Vancouver

A scholarship of $500 has been endowed by Dr. Rodney Poisson, M.A. ’39 and Mrs. Poisson, M.A. ’39 to honour the memory of her parents, the Reverend T.J.S. Ferguson and Dr. Amy Ferguson, of Nelson. The award is made to a graduate of a secondary school in School District No. 8 with first preference to a student from L.V. Rogers Secondary School (Nelson). It is open to students beginning or continuing studies at UBC. The financial circumstances of the candidate will be an important factor.

G&F Financial Group Scholarship [#4707]

Campus: Vancouver, Okanagan, and non-UBC students

Required documentation: a letter from G&F confirming you or your immediate family is an active member of G&F Financial Group.

5 scholarships of $1,000 each are offered by G&F Financial Group to students who are beginning or continuing a full program of studies at all publicly funded Post-Secondary Educational Institutions in British Columbia.  Applicants must be active members or immediate family of an active member of G&F Financial Group. The scholarship is awarded to the candidate who, in the opinion of the University, in consultation with the Credit Union is best qualified in terms of academic merit and financial need. Where possible, one scholarship is offered to a student attending one of the Universities and the second, to a student attending BCIT or a college.

GIRL Guides of Canada West Coast Area Council Elizabeth Rogers Trust Scholarship [#4714]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: Please provide a statement explaining how you meet the award criteria. Include any documentation proving involvement with Girl Guide Movement in Vancouver.

A scholarship of $500 is offered by the Vancouver Girl Guides West Coast Area Council. Applicants must be active members of the Girl Guide Movement in Vancouver, West Vancouver, North Vancouver (City or District), Richmond, or Burnaby; and must be enrolled in a full program of studies leading to a degree. Academic standing is considered together with interest in Girl Guide activities. Recipients assume a moral obligation to maintain association with the Girl Guide Movement. Winners are selected by the University in consultation with the West Coast Girl Guide Area Council.

Guenther Felix SANDERS Scholarship [#524]

Campus: Vancouver and Okanagan

Required documentation: A letter of recommendation from the Grand Lodge, Knights

Scholarships totalling $3,900 have been made available through an endowment established by an estate gift  from Guenter Felix Sanders (1904-1961) for outstanding undergraduate and graduate students at the University of British Columbia Vancouver and the University of British Columbia Okanagan, with preference for students (1) whose parents or themselves are affiliated with the Knights Pythias in British Columbia and/ or (2) are honouring or majoring in mathematics or are in the Faculty of Applied Science. The scholarships are made on the recommendation of Enrolment Services.

ILWU Canada Bert Johnson Scholarship [#666]

Campus: Vancouver and non-UBC students

Required documentation: A letter from the ILWU confirming “good standing” must be submitted with your application.

A $1,200 scholarship is provided by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union in memory of Bert Johnson, Local 500. It is available to active members of the union in good standing, dependents, and their sons and daughters. Candidates may attend the University of B.C., the University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, the B.C. Institute of Technology or any college in B.C. and must enrol in a full program of studies. The donor reserves the right to re-award the scholarship if the winner receives other scholarships of substantial value.

ILWU Harry Bridges Entrance Scholarship [#4718]

Campus: Vancouver and non-UBC students

Required documentation: A letter from the ILWU confirming “good standing” must be submitted with your application.

Four scholarships of $1,500 each are offered to active members, dependents, and sons and daughters of members, in good standing, of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. They will normally be awarded to the candidates who are proceeding in the fall to a full first year program of studies at the University of British Columbia, University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, the B.C. Institute of Technology, or a college in B.C. The donors reserve the right to withhold awards if the academic standing of candidates is not sufficiently high, or to re-award the scholarships if winners receive other scholarships of substantial value.

ILWU Harry Bridges Undergraduate Scholarship [#530]

Campus: Vancouver and non-UBC students

Required documentation: A letter from the ILWU confirming “good standing” must be submitted with your application.

Three scholarships of $1,500 each are offered to active members, dependents, and sons and daughters of members, in good standing, of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. They are open to students in attendance at the University of B.C., the University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, the B.C. Institute of Technology, or any college in B.C. who will continue in a full program of studies in the next session in an undergraduate faculty. These scholarships will normally be awarded to the candidates with highest standing as determined by the results of the Final Sessional Examinations conducted in April by the named institutions. The donor reserves the right to withhold awards if the academic standing of candidates is not sufficiently high or to re-award scholarships if winners receive other scholarships of substantial value.

ILWU Local 517 Bud Smith Scholarship [#4804]

Campus: Vancouver and non-UBC students

A $500 scholarship has been endowed by Local 517 of the ILWU in memory of its former secretary, “Bud” Smith. The scholarship is open to members in good standing of Local 517, and their sons and daughters. Candidates may attend the University of B.C., the University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, the B.C. Institute of Technology or any college in B.C. and must enrol in a full program of undergraduate studies. The donor reserves the right to re-award the scholarship if the winner receives other scholarships of substantial value.

ILWU Thomas P. Mayes Scholarship [#558]

Campus: Vancouver and non-UBC students

Required documentation: A letter from the ILWU confirming “good standing” must be submitted with your application.

In memory of Thomas P. Mayes, who until his death in 1968, served as secretary of the Union, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union offers an undergraduate scholarship of $1,500 to active members, dependents, and sons and daughters of members, in good standing. The terms and conditions of this award are the same as for the three International Longshore and Warehouse Union Scholarships, described above.

Iranian Student Memorial Award [#1465]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: Please provide a statement explaining how you meet the award criteria. Include any documentation proving Persian or Iranian heritage, or interest in the field or proof of study in the field.

Awards totalling $4,200 have been made available through an endowment established by the Iranian-Canadian community and the University of British Columbia, in memory of those who perished aboard Flight PS752 in January 2020, for outstanding undergraduate and graduate students of Persian or Iranian heritage, or who are studying Persian Studies. The awards are adjudicated by Enrolment Services.

Mildred BROCK Memorial Scholarship [#1226]

Campus: Vancouver

Scholarships totalling $6,650, established in 1936 by Delta Gamma Fraternity in memory of Mrs. Mildred Brock, wife of R. W. Brock, Dean of Applied Science, pay tribute to her personal charm, high ideals, sympathetic understanding and concern for students. The award is made to women students who have completed at least one year at the University of British Columbia with sound academic standing and are proceeding to an undergraduate degree. Special consideration is given to students who are active in women’s organizations such as sororities or Phrateres or in undergraduate student affairs.

Nancy RYCKMAN Scholarship [#544]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: Proof that you attended school in the East Kootenays is required and must be submitted with your application.

Scholarships totalling $1,350, endowed through a bequeath from Nancy E. Ryckman, are awarded to students who have completed at least one year at a University or college and who attended school in the East Kootenays for three years, of which two years must have been immediately prior to entrance to the University or College. It is the expressed wish of the donor that the scholarships be awarded to young men or women who require aid in obtaining a university education and that, in making the awards, consideration be given to character and intellectual promise.

Olof Sjobom SEAHOLM Memorial Scholarship [#638]

Campus: Vancouver

Scholarships totalling $10,200 have been endowed by the late Olof Sjobom Seaholm. Preference is given to students of Swedish Immigrant History or allied fields relating to the Swedish Immigrant Community.

Percy W. PERRIS Salmon Arm Scholarship [#545]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: Proof of current address in school district No. 83 is required.

A scholarship of $1,350 has been endowed by Percy W. Perris, Chase, B.C. for students beginning or continuing studies at the University of B.C whose homes are in School District No. 83 (N. Okanagan – Shuswap). The selection is made on the basis of academic standing, personal qualities, and need for study toward a degree in any faculty or area of study.

Piping Industry Journeyman Training and Industry [#4731]

Campus: Vancouver, Okanagan, and non-UBC students

Required documentation: A letter from the Association must be submitted with the application.

A scholarship of $1,000, provided by the Trustee Board of the Journeyman Training and Industry Promotion Fund, are offered to students entering the first year at any British Columbia university or college, and proceeding to a full program of studies leading to a university degree or college diploma in any field. To be eligible a candidate must be (a) the son, daughter or legal dependent of a member of the United Association of Plumbers and Steamfitters, Local 170, who is employed by a firm which is a contributor to the Fund or (b) the son, daughter or legal dependent of an employee of a firm which is a contributor to the Fund. Normally, one $1,000 award is made to category (a) and one to category (b).

These awards are based exclusively on academic achievement. Any student who is an eligible candidate as described above and who is eligible to enter a British Columbia university or college is a potential candidate for these awards. The Trustees reserve the right to withhold an award if candidates do not obtain sufficiently high standing or if they receive other major awards.

Royal Canadian Legion, UBC Branch Award [#1471]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: Please provide a statement explaining how you meet the award criteria. Include any documentation proving service in the Canadian Armed Forces.

Awards totaling $2,000 have been made available annually through a gift from the Royal Canadian Legion, UBC Branch for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of British Columbia Vancouver campus who are serving or who have served in the Regular or Reserve Force of the Canadian Armed Forces, or who have volunteered with an organization that works to support veterans. Preference will be given to students who have completed a certificate program offered by the Institute for Veterans Education and Transition (IVET) and are transitioning into a full-time course of study at UBC. The Royal Canadian Legion, UBC Branch is the first Royal Canadian Legion Branch established in Canada in over twenty-five years. The Branch was created through a partnership with the Institute for Veterans Education and Transition, in an effort to make UBC Canada’s first veteran-friendly campus. The Branch works to uphold the Royal Canadian Legion’s mission, vision and values by supporting veterans and military members navigating UBC’s academic, social and recreational environment.

SIKH Students’ Association Scholarship [#647]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: A letter of recommendation from a local Sikh Temple President is required.

In order to encourage and recognize individual excellence, the Sikh Students’ Association has endowed a scholarship of $400. The funds for this scholarship were donated by the Sikh community. The Sikh Students’ Association was established in 1985 to create a greater awareness of the Sikh religion and culture as well as to unite Sikh students attending post-secondary educational institutions in Canada.

The scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student and is based on high scholastic standing and community service. A letter of recommendation from a local Sikh Temple President is required. Preference is given to a Sikh student. An applicant may not be awarded this scholarship two years in succession, unless there is no other qualified applicant.

T. E. and M. E. LADNER Memorial Scholarship [#554]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: Proof of Delta address is required in the form of a current bill or government issued photo identification.

A scholarship of $1,700 endowed by Leon J. Ladner, Q.C., LL.D., and family, in memory of his parents, Thomas Ellis and Minnie E. Ladner, is available for a student whose home is in Delta Municipality of the lower Fraser Valley. An applicant must have high scholastic standing, but consideration will also be given to character and financial need. The scholarship is open to students entering the University of British Columbia for the first time or continuing attendance in any year and faculty. If, in any year, no applicant can meet the scholastic requirements of the University, the award may be withheld and two awards made the subsequent year. Completed applications must include: (1) the names and address of the applicant’s parents, and details of their length of residency in the Delta area; and (2) details of the financial circumstances of the applicant and of his or her family.

UNITED Association of Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 170, Scholarship [#4798]

Campus: Vancouver, Okanagan, and non-UBC students

Required documentation: A letter from the Local confirming “good standing” must be submitted with the application.

2 scholarships of $2,500 each are provided by the United Association of Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 170, to students entering first year at any public university in British Columbia, and proceeding to a degree in any field. To be eligible, a candidate must be the son, daughter, grandchild or legal dependent of a member in good standing of the United Association of Plumbers & Steamfitters, Local 170. The Union reserves the right to withhold an award if candidates do not obtain sufficiently high standing or if they receive other major awards.

UNITED Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 1518, Scholarship [#547]

Campus: Vancouver, Okanagan, and non-UBC students

Required documentation: A letter from the UFCW Local 1518 confirming their own or their parents’ membership in the Union is required.

The United Food and Commercial Workers Union, Local 1518, offers 10 scholarships of $1,000 each to students beginning or continuing studies in a full academic programme of studies at the University of B.C., University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, British Columbia Institute of Technology, or at a college in British Columbia. Five awards are made to students entering from Grade XII and five awards are made to continuing students. The awards are normally made to the applicants with the highest standing in the final examinations. Students entering from Grade 12 are considered on the basis either of standing received by recommendation, or in the January or June government examinations. To be eligible, candidates must be a member, or the son, daughter, or legal ward of a member of the Union in good standing. Those who wish to be considered must give full details of their own or their parents’ membership in the Union.

UNIVERSITY of B.C. Alumni Southern California Scholarship [#652]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: Proof of residency in Southern California or USA must be submitted with your application.

A scholarship of $700, gift to the UBC Alumni Association, is offered with preference in the following order, to a student (a) whose home is in Southern California; (b) whose home is in the United States; (c) at the discretion of the University. It is made on the basis of academic standing, personal qualities and need.

William L. HURFORD Memorial Scholarship [#4786]

Campus: Vancouver and non-UBC students

Required documentation:  A Letter from ILWU must be submitted with your application.

A scholarship of $1,800 offered in memory of William L. Hurford by the B.C. Maritime Employers Association, is open to sons and daughters of members, in good standing, of the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union. The scholarship is awarded to a candidate who is proceeding in the fall to a full first year programme of studies at the University of British Columbia, the University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, the B.C. Institute of Technology, or a college in British Columbia. Students may not hold more than one scholarship offered by the International Longshoremen’s and Warehousemen’s Union at any one time.

William MCMAHAN Scholarship [#2157]

Campus: Vancouver

Required documentation: A letter from the head office confirming eligibility for this award is required.

A scholarship of $2,550, endowed by William McMahan, Esq., Vancouver, is offered to students entering their second, third, or final year in chemical, civil, electrical, or mechanical engineering, or in forestry. This scholarship is open to sons and daughters of employees of the logging or pulp operation, or head office of Canadian Forest Products Ltd., or, failing a suitable candidate from these operations, to sons and daughters of employees in other operations of the Company.

If, in the judgment of the University, there are two students deserving of the award, it will be divided between them. If no such candidate is available, or, in the opinion of the University, no candidate has a sufficiently good academic record to merit the award, the University may grant the scholarship to a worthy and deserving student in Engineering or Forestry from the student body at large. Candidates in the preferred categories should submit their names and details of family service with the Company on their application.

YATES Memorial Scholarship [#7731]

Campus: Vancouver

Scholarships totalling $2,300 have been endowed through a bequest from Nora Yates as a memorial to her son, Frederick H. L. Yates. The awards, known as Yates Memorial Awards, are made to promising and deserving students, beginning or continuing studies at this University, who have financial need or high academic standing. First preference is given to veterans of World War Il, then to sons, daughters and grandchildren of those who served, and finally to the student body at large.

Additional resources

If you have questions

If you have questions, please contact your Enrolment Services Advisor directly.

For general questions, please call 604 822 9836 or submit a question through the online form.

If you’re a UBC Okanagan student, please contact Okanagan Student Services. For scholarship, award, and bursary inquiries, email