Health insurance for Status First Nations students

If you’re a British Columbia resident

As a UBC student, you are required to have basic medical insurance and extended health care insurance so that you have health coverage when you need it. The First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) covers the basic BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) and other extended health insurance coverage for Status First Nations students.

If you’re not currently enrolled, you can read the FNHA Health Benefits eligibility and enrolment details. The Health Benefits Program provides clients with back-dated coverage of unpaid MSP premiums up to a maximum of five years. Call Health Benefits at 1 855 550 5454 for help with unpaid MSP premiums.

For a full list of exclusions under the FNHA Health Benefits Program, read the FNHA Health Benefits Information Package (pdf).

MSP covers regular doctor’s appointments, hospital visits, some lab and x-ray services, and surgeries performed in a hospital. You can use your Care Card when accessing these health services.

In addition to covering your BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) as your basic health insurance, the FNHA Health Benefits Program provides full or partial coverage of your extended health needs, including:

  • Ambulance invoices: Trips in an ambulance to go to the hospital
  • Pharmacy: Prescription medication
  • Vision: Eye exams, glasses, and contact lenses
  • Dental: Yearly dental visits and teeth cleaning
  • Medical supplies and equipment: Crutches, walking boot, and supplies after surgery
  • Medical transportation
  • Mental health support: Psychologist or counsellor visits

FNHA Health Benefits do not cover physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, massage therapy, naturopathy, or other paramedical or supplementary services.

Find more information about FNHA Health Benefits:

Confirming your Health Benefits enrolment

If you’d like to confirm whether you’re enrolled in the Health Benefits, or if you’d like to register for the first time, please have your status number ready and call 1 855 550 5454 or email

If you’re not a British Columbia resident

If you’re a Status First Nations student arriving from a Canadian province or territory outside of British Columbia, there are certain steps you’ll need to take: 

  • Have your status number, date of birth, school start date, and expected graduation date ready, then call the BC First Nations Health Authority (FNHA) Eligibility Team at 1 855 550 5454.
  • Contact the health services plan from your respective province or territory to ensure that you have active health services while studying in British Columbia (BC). You are not eligible for BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) in British Columbia as you are not a BC resident.
  • Inform providers, such as pharmacists, dentists, and eye doctors, that you are an out-of-province resident. Providers will need to access benefits through Health Canada for services.

What the First Nations Health Authority will do

Once you call the BC First Nations Health Authority Eligibility team, they will advise Indigenous Services Canada that you are an out-of-province resident studying in BC.

FNHA will request for you to be added to the Non-Insured Health Benefits Safelist (NIHB). The NIHB Safelist will enable you to claim services in British Columbia with no issues.

AMS/GSS Health and Dental Coverage at UBC

All UBC students are automatically enrolled in the AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan every academic year when they register for courses. This includes all Indigenous students. Please review the fees for the plan depending on your coverage period.

Get more information about the AMS/GSS Plan:

Opting out of the fee

Some students have extended health coverage through other plans, and therefore choose to opt out of the AMS/GSS Health and Dental Plan. If you choose to do so, make sure to opt out of the plan during the change-of-coverage period.You are required to do this every year at the start of term. You may use your status card as proof of other coverage during the opt-out process. 

If you are a sponsored student covered by your band for tuition and living expenses, it’s likely that they won’t cover this additional health coverage fee for you. Please connect with your Education Coordinator through your band regarding potential coverage for this fee. If they don’t cover it, please opt out or be prepared to cover this fee yourself.

If you’ve missed the deadline to opt out, please contact the Indigenous Student Support team at

Staying enrolled on the plan

Depending on your health and dental needs and costs, you may decide that it could be worthwhile to have coverage through both your Indigenous Health Authority and the AMS/GSS Health and Dental plan. In this case, you can have reimbursements of health costs from both insurance providers.

Example situations where you may want to be covered for both plans:

  • You need prescription glasses or contacts.
  • You often get medical prescriptions.
  • You have ongoing health concerns.
  • You want to maximize chiropractor, physiotherapist, or massage therapy benefits.
  • You have dental concerns.
  • You are planning to travel or go on exchange.

Maximizing your coverage

To make sure you’re getting the most out of your extended health care coverage, consider asking your doctor, dentist, optometrist, or medical provider the following questions:

  • Are you registered with Pacific Blue Cross, PharmaCare, or FNHA direct billing?
  • Do you require payment upfront for services?

If you have more than one health insurance plan

When students have access to another third-party health insurance, such as AMS/GSS Health and Dental coverage, they should submit claims to that plan first and then to FNHA Health Benefits. One exception is the pharmacy benefit, where clients should submit claims to PharmaCare first.

If you have questions

Please contact the First Nations Health Authority for questions about the FNHA Health Benefits.

For information about the AMS/GSS Health and Dental plan, contact the AMS/GSS Studentcare Team.