Travelling to Canada


If you’re an international student planning to come to UBC, we are here to help.

There are important steps to take before you plan your trip. It’s important for you to carefully review the guide and understand the process and requirements before you travel.

Start the guide

Step 1. Check before you make travel plans

Before making travel arrangements, there are a few things you will need to consider:

  • Understand travel documents you need.
  • Consider when to travel.
  • Get advice on whether to travel.

Begin the first step

Step 2. Before you travel to Canada

Before you travel to Canada, you must make sure you prepare the right documents.

  • Get a new immigration medical exam, if required.
  • Confirm your health insurance coverage.
  • Complete the optional Advance Declaration.

Jump to Step 2 details

Step 3. What to bring

Know what documents you should bring, and restrictions on what to bring with you.

  • See documentation to bring.
  • Learn what to pack.

Jump to Step 3 details

Step 4. While you travel to Canada

Know what to expect at the airport or border,  follow arrival steps, and ensure your study permit has conditions to work.

Jump to Step 4 details

Step 5. After arriving in Canada

There are a few things you need to do as soon as you arrive in Canada.

  • Apply for MSP and check that you have iMED.
  • Complete the after arrival checklist.
  • Learn about life in Canada.
  • Find helpful resources to get settled.

Jump to Step 5 details