Centre for Student Development and Leadership

About the Centre

The Centre provides a wide range of programming and services to support student involvement and leadership. From your first day on campus to the end of your time at UBC, you can find opportunities to learn, lead, and be connected to a community. Connect with the team to learn about welcoming new students to UBC, developing new skills, getting involved, and meeting peers.

The Centre also provides leadership and training resources to departments, faculties, and student groups to enhance student involvement opportunities. 

Top reasons to connect

  • Learn about leadership and involvement opportunities.
  • Develop new skills through events, community involvement, or workshops.
  • Expand your network and connect with others.
  • Check out orientation and transition programs offered for you in your first year.

Contact us

Opening hours

The Centre is closed on all statutory holidays observed by UBC.

  • Monday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Wednesday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Thursday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
  • Friday: 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Programs, workshops, and events

The Centre for Student Development and Leadership organizes workshops, events, and programs to support your involvement, skill development, and leadership throughout your time at UBC. 

Your first year

Student leadership opportunities

Skill development and learning

Get in touch with us for learning topics and workshops available to you or your student group.

If you have questions

Email the Centre for Student Development and Leadership (CSDL) at csdl.support@ubc.ca.