About the Roman Catholic faith tradition
The faith life of the Catholic community on campus is diverse in character and expression. Including students, staff and faculty of the UBC community we are both local and international. Our activities seek to support the spiritual life of the university community with a commitment to the dialogue between faith and reason and the promotion of a faith that seeks harmony and justice.
The Roman Catholic core religious beliefs are summarized in creeds. The following is the Apostles Creed:
We believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Creator of heaven and earth,
And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born
Of the Virgin Mary, Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,
Died and was buried;
He descended to the dead; on the third day he
Rose again; He ascended into heaven, and is seated at
The right hand of God the Father almighty;
From there he will come to judge the living
And the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit,
The holy catholic church,
The communion of saints,
The forgiveness of sins,
The resurrection of the body,
And life everlasting. Amen.
See the Nicene Creed for a more expansive version.
Roman Catholic community on campus
Catholic chaplaincy activities at UBC include weekday and Sunday liturgies, sacramental preparation and faith study programs for Catholics and for those interested in knowing more about the life of the Church. Ongoing activities include spiritual formation and retreats in the Ignatian tradition, Bible study, and Science and Faith discussion groups. Those interested in knowing more about the Catholic Church may wish to consider the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program. For information on ongoing programs we encourage you to visit St. Mark’s chapel and to follow events on our websites.
In addition to UBC Catholic Chaplaincy activities, the Catholic colleges of Corpus Christi and St. Mark’s provide additional, welcoming spaces of learning and celebration.
Come and experience different forms of prayer and worship that will deepen your understanding of how God’s love and grace are at work in your life.
Meet Father Robert Allore S.J.
Trained initially in the life sciences, Robert is a member of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and, since 2012, the pastor of St. Marks and the chaplain at UBC. Blessed by a university community of talented and faith-filled students, staff and faculty, the Catholic community at UBC provides a place to grow in faith, wisdom and service. Inspired by the life of the Spirit in our faith community, it is his hope that the university chaplaincy will be a place of welcome where question and challenge, faith, reason and service are nurtured as graces for the journey.
You can contact Fr. Robert Allore S.J. by emailing parish.smark@rcav.org or calling 604 822 0261.