Health and wellbeing

Vector illustration of UBC students doing different activities. From left to right: lounging in a cozy living space, making a meal together, stretching before a workout, and riding a bike

Take care of your whole self with services and resources at UBC and beyond.

Crisis support 24/7

Get help if you or someone else is in immediate danger, or at risk of harming yourself or others. Call 911 or visit your nearest emergency room.

If you or someone you know is feeling hopeless or at risk of harm, contact a crisis responder:

Self-help tools

Manage your wellbeing with tools for stress, relationship problems, substance use, and more. Register with a UBC email.

Take an online assessment and find resources to support your mental health.

Read tips and resources from students on staying healthy and active.

Peer resources

Ask the Info Desk for health-related resources, visit the Sexual Health Shop, or get tips to support your wellbeing.

Run by students for students, AMS offers free one-on-one, confidential conversations.

Connect with other students in a welcoming and inclusive space to learn about recovery from addiction.

Talk to a health professional

Book a same-day, single session counselling appointment, join a group counselling program, talk to a Wellness Advisor, and more.

Schedule a telehealth or in-person appointment with a doctor or nurse for your health concerns online or by phone.

Share your health and wellbeing concerns in an encouraging and supportive environment with other students going through similar experiences.

Learn how to find a private mental health practitioner, such as a registered psychologist, clinical counsellor, or therapist.

You may be reimbursed for up to $1,250 per policy year for services from a licensed psychologist, registered clinical counsellor, or therapist with a Master’s in Social Work.

If you’re aged 12 to 24, use the app to schedule a virtual counselling appointment, find peer support, or join a youth group or workshop.

Visit a registered nurse during drop-in hours on campus and receive confidential support for your medical or health questions.

Browse available walk-in clinics in British Columbia, including their wait times, and book an appointment before visiting.

If you’re an Indigenous student, get immediate mental health counselling or crisis intervention by phone or chat at any time.

Call, chat online, or use the mobile app for free, immediate, 24/7 mental health counselling, available in various languages.

Stay active and healthy

Participate in your favourite sport, drop in to a fitness class, challenge yourself with a UBC tradition, or try something new.

Follow along to virtual fitness class recordings and get tips for home exercises from UBC Recreation.

Get advice on nutrition, browse menu schedules and dietary preferences for residence dining rooms, or speak with a UBC dietician.

Health topics

  • Food and nutrition
    Learn how to eat well on a budget, meal prep, and start cooking.
  • Physical activity
    Find tips on moving more and staying motivated during exercise.
  • Flu and colds
    Know how to manage your symptoms if you get sick and what to do if you have to miss class.
  • Sleep
    Browse strategies and resources for better sleep.
  • Understanding stress
    Recognize your signs of stress and learn how to manage your stress response.
  • Sex and sexual health
    Get information on sex and sexual health, including tips for practicing safer sex.