UBC TUUM EST Experiential Award Vancouver

One-time entrance awards valued up to $3,500 are available for outstanding domestic students entering the university directly from secondary schools (or CEGEP in Quebec) to support their participation in experiential learning opportunities. Eligible students must demonstrate excellent academic ability, a strong UBC applicant personal profile, and a high level of engagement in the community and extracurricular activities. In addition to these criteria, faculties may specify additional demographic criteria to encourage applications from specific groups (e.g., Aboriginal student, students from smaller towns and communities in British Columbia). The award is adjudicated through the admissions process and awarded upon entry to UBC; however, funds are released in-course upon confirmation of participation and/or registration in an approved experiential learning activity at UBC including co-operative education, international exchange, international service learning, undergraduate research, and other experiential learning activities as approved by the students Faculty. Recipients are identified by Enrolment Services in conjunction with the entering student's Faculty.

Award descriptions are meant for reference only. Values listed may not reflect the most up to date information.

2023 Winter
Non-academic units
Awards and Financial Services

How to apply