While studying Computer Engineering, you're learning to apply your knowledge of computer architecture, networks, and communications to develop novel technology solutions from website chatbots to streamlining drug discovery. You’ll develop important skills to work at the interface of hardware and software systems.
These skills may include:
Application of computer hardware architecture and software design principles to build embedded systems (e.g., avionic systems, industrial robots, anti-lock brakes)
Research, design, development and testing of new hardware and software solutions that are technically competitive, cost-effective, and supportable
Design, coding, testing, debugging, and documenting high-quality desktop or web applications
Development of protocols and tools to conduct verification tests
Integration of artificial intelligence and machine learning features in the design of computational devices and systems (e.g. smart personal assistants, ridesharing apps, mobile check deposits, drones)
Collaboration in cross-functional development teams towards a challenging common goal
Usage of specialized programming languages and open source tools including Ruby, Python, Java, HTML, JavaScript, LINUX, and MySQL