Financial planning


A part of your success at UBC involves proactive financial planning. Review the resources below and connect with an Enrolment Services Advisor if you would like guidance on how to start.

Understand your costs

Tuition and student fees

The first step is to understand how much a school year will cost you and what the related expenses are. Knowing your costs will give you the foundation to build your financial plan. Start by understanding the costs for tuition, student fees, and books:

Living costs

Next, consider how much it will cost to live in Vancouver.

  • If you are living on campus, you'll need to cover residence fees and a meal plan.
  • If you're off-campus, you'll want to consider rent, groceries, and utilities.

Be sure to also allow for personal expenses, such as your phone bill and entertainment. If it's in your financial plan, you won't be caught off-guard. Use the cost calculator to help you calculate what it might cost in your first year.

If you’re a graduate student, use the graduate cost calculator to develop your financial plan.

Know your resources

Once you know what your educational costs are, you'll need to find resources to cover those costs. Some students may have savings or help from their families, but there is also a range of financial assistance programs for students studying at UBC.

Map your timeline

Enrolment Services is committed to helping you, but it is your responsibility to meet important deadlines. Review key dates and deadlines.

You’re strongly recommended to apply for your student loan by mid-July.

Build a financial plan

Maintaining your financial plan

Once you have a plan, it's important to use it. Sometimes this is easier said than done. If it's not working, making adjustments as needed is okay. Stay on top of your obligations with your previous loans and be prepared for your loan repayment.

Financial wellness workshops

Sign up for free sessions on student loans, budgeting, creating a financial plan, and more, facilitated by Enrolment Services Advisors.

Go to calendar

Financial Resources Canvas course

If you have questions