UBC Award Search

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  • Vancouver
  • Faculty of Arts
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409 award(s) found
Descriptionsort descending Department Type of award Application type
Scholarships totalling $350 have been endowed by friends and family in memory of Timothy Martin Canfield, a student of...
Department of Asian Studies Scholarship Automatically considered
Awards totalling $1,300 have been made available annually to an outstanding co-op students in the Arts Co-operative...
General Award Automatically considered
A $500 award has been made available annually through the Department of Sociology for the most outstanding...
Department of Sociology Award Automatically considered
A $200 prize has been endowed by the late Annie B. Jamieson, B.A., LL.D. It is awarded to a student writing an essay on...
International Relations - Interdisciplinary Program Prize Automatically considered
This medal is awarded to the student standing at the head of the graduating class in the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.
Department of Art History, Visual Art and Theory Medal Automatically considered
Award totalling $3,000 have made available through an endowment established by an anonymos donor for Indigenous...
General Award Automatically considered
A $2,850 scholarship has been endowed by Vancouver Sun reporter, David Baines for a student in the Master of Journalism...
School of Journalism Scholarship Automatically considered
A $2,800 award is offered, in memory of Velma T. and Lawrence G. Y. Chen, to a graduate student in the Department of...
Department of Asian Studies Award Automatically considered
A $2350 prize has been endowed in honour of W. Erwin Diewert, an internationally renowned Canadian economist...
School of Economics Prize Automatically considered
A $350 prize has been endowed in honour of W. Erwin Diewert, an internationally renowned Canadian economist...
School of Economics Prize Automatically considered
