UBC Award Search

See types of awards offered by UBC

  • Vancouver
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Department of History
17 award(s) found
Description Departmentsort descending Type of award Application type
A $6,000 summer travel scholarship has been endowed by Professor John Conway to commemorate thirty-eight years of...
Department of History Scholarship Automatically considered
A scholarship of $1,550 has been endowed by Eero Antero Sorila (B.A. History '86) in memory of his mother. The award is...
Department of History Scholarship Automatically considered
A $400 prize has been endowed by members of the History Students' Association and faculty in the Department of History...
Department of History Prize Automatically considered
Scholarships totalling $4,350 have been endowed through a bequest by Gordon R. Elliott in memory of Dr. Margaret...
Department of History Scholarship Automatically considered
Scholarships totaling $7,150 have been endowed through a bequest by Gordon R. Elliott in memory of Gilbert N. Tucker (...
Department of History Scholarship Automatically considered
A $300 prize, endowed from the estate of Mrs. Thomas A. Kirk, is awarded to that student who, possessing exceptional...
Department of History Prize Automatically considered
Scholarships totalling $11,100 have been endowed by the Estate of Orville Lloyd Wilmot. The awards are made on the...
Department of History Scholarship Automatically considered
A scholarship of $1,500 has been endowed by the Native Daughters of British Columbia to a Canadian born graduate or...
Department of History Scholarship Automatically considered
A $7300 prize has been endowed by Simone and Harold Knutson in memory of Gilbert N. Tucker (1898-1955), who served this...
Department of History Prize Automatically considered
In memory of J. H. Stewart Reid, B.A., M.A. (Brit. Col.), Ph.D. (Toronto), LL.D. (Manitoba), and in tribute to his fine...
Department of History Prize Automatically considered
