UBC Award Search

See types of awards offered by UBC

  • Vancouver
  • Faculty of Land and Food Systems
  • General
92 award(s) found
Description Departmentsort descending Type of award Application type
A scholarship of $1,300 has been endowed by the Farm Business Challenges Advisory Committee in memory of Roger Keay for...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
A $1,000 award is offered annually by Ritchie-Smith Feeds, Inc. to a student in the Applied Animal Biology...
General Award Automatically considered
The University of British Columbia offers scholarships valued up to $7,500 to First Nations, Inuit, or M?tis students...
General Scholarship Application required
Nine scholarships of $2,000 each are offered by the UBC Alumni Association to students proceeding from a community...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
A $450 prize is made available through an endowment established by Dean Emeritus Blythe Eagles, Mrs. Eagles and...
General Prize Automatically considered
A scholarship of $1,400 the gift of the B.C. Council of Garden Clubs, is offered in the Faculty of Land and Food...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
Two $2,000 and two $3,000 scholarships are offered to undergraduate students in the Food, Nutrition and Health Program...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
A $1,000 award is offered annually by Mrs. Manjula Desai in memory of Dr. Indrajit Desai, Professor Emeritus, to a...
General Award Automatically considered
The University of British Columbia offers scholarships valued up to $80,000 over 4 years to outstanding students...
General Scholarship Application required
A prize of $350 has been endowed by Professor Biely from the Earle Willard McHenry Award which he received from the...
General Prize Automatically considered
