UBC Award Search
92 award(s) found
Description | Department | Type of award | Application type |
A $300 scholarship has been endowed by the Women's Canadian Club of Vancouver for a student entering the fourth year of... |
General | Scholarship | Automatically considered |
Awards totalling $2,000 have been made available annually through a gift from the Bennett family in honor of Winslow... |
General | Award | Automatically considered |
A prize of $250 has been endowed as a memorial to the late Professor Wilfrid Sadler, Head of the Department of Dairying... |
General | Prize | Automatically considered |
Scholarships of $5,000 each have been endowed by Russell (Doc) Nicoll, B.Sc.,(Agr.)'38 and his wife Pat. The awards are... |
General | Scholarship | Application required |
A scholarship of $1,100 is awarded to a student who has completed at least one year of work in the Faculty of Land and... |
General | Scholarship | Automatically considered |
A $1,450 bursary, the gift of the Victoria Home Economics and Dietetic Association, is awarded to a student whose home... |
General | Bursary | Application required |
A prize of $600 has been endowed for a student who has excelled in participation and leadership in academic field trip... |
General | Prize | Automatically considered |
A medal is awarded annually to the student standing at the head of the graduating class in the Bachelor of Science (... |
General | Medal | Automatically considered |
A medal is awarded annually to the student standing at the head of the graduating class in the Bachelor of Applied... |
General | Medal | Automatically considered |
A $950 scholarship has been endowed by the Agricultural Sciences Division of the UBC Alumni Association, for students... |
General | Scholarship | Automatically considered |