UBC Award Search

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  • Faculty of Medicine
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342 award(s) found
Description Department Type of awardsort descending Application type
A $3,200 scholarship has been endowed by friends, family and colleagues in memory of Roland W. Lauener. It is awarded...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
Scholarships totalling $6,000 have been endowed in memory of Doretta Lee for students enrolled in the M.D. program.
General Scholarship Automatically considered
Scholarships totalling $25,300 have been endowed through a bequest by Georgia Michele Leroux for students in the...
Department of Surgery Scholarship Automatically considered
Scholarships totalling $2,000 have been made available annually through a gift from Anna Zhang in memory of her...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
Three scholarships of $1,000 each have been endowed through a bequest by Donald Fraser MacKenzie for undergraduate...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
A $2,550 scholarship has been made available through an endowment established as a memorial to Mr. W. J. (Bill) Lyle,...
School of Population and Pulblic Health Scholarship Automatically considered
Scholarships totalling $5,100 have been endowed by the late Thomas Ranson Greer. Thomas Greer was born in Denbeigh,...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
Margaret I. Brydon has endowed a $650 scholarship in memory of her son. The award is made on the recommendation of the...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
This scholarship in the amount of $300 is offered to a first year student in the Master of Physical Therapy Program for...
Department of Physical Therapy Scholarship Automatically considered
Scholarships totalling $1,200 have been endowed by family and friends in memory of Lisa McClintock for second year...
General Scholarship Automatically considered
