Professor Mo STEINBERG Memorial Award in English Literature

A $4,100 award is offered by friends and family in memory of Dr. Moses "Mo" Wolfe Steinberg, a UBC professor of English literature (MA Queens, PhD Toronto) for 52 years, commencing in 1946. He instilled a love of literature in thousands of students and was twice honoured as UBC Master Teacher. He was one of the driving forces behind the creation of the Arts One program and served on numerous university committees as well as on the Senate, Board of Governors, and as an executive member of the Faculty Association. Outside the University he was active in numerous cultural and educational endeavours. The award is to be given to the student who best exemplifies an amalgam of academic excellence in English literature and the attributes of good citizenship. The recommendation is made by the Department, and in the case of graduate students, in consultation with the Faculty of Graduate Studies.

Award descriptions are meant for reference only. Values listed may not reflect the most up to date information.

2023 Winter
Faculty of Arts
Department of English
Undergraduate & Graduate

Recommended award

The majority of Recommended Awards do not require an application and students are automatically considered for any scholarships, awards, or prizes for which they are eligible.

Some faculties do require applications: Contact your faculty’s scholarship representative or check your faculty website to find out more.