John Alexander MCDONALD Scholarship in Humanities

Scholarships totalling $52,500 have been endowed through a bequest from John Alexander McDonald, Associate Professor Emeritus of Spanish (1974). The awards are offered to fourth year undergraduate students taking a combined Major or Honours program in two Humanities fields. Preference may be given to students in Hispanic and Italian Studies, English, French, Classics, Philosophy, or Fine Arts. The awards are made on the recommendation of the respective departments in consultation with the Dean, Faculty of Arts.

Award descriptions are meant for reference only. Values listed may not reflect the most up to date information.

2023 Winter
Faculty of Arts

Recommended award

The majority of Recommended Awards do not require an application and students are automatically considered for any scholarships, awards, or prizes for which they are eligible.

Some faculties do require applications: Contact your faculty’s scholarship representative or check your faculty website to find out more.