For students registering for courses starting in September 2024, UBC has switched to a new system, Workday. Please check your email for setup instructions. Summer Session students should continue using SSC.

Ombuds officer talking to a student
September 27, 2017
2 mins read

The Ombuds Office: Advocates for fairness

The Office of the Ombudsperson for Students works with UBC community members to ensure students are treated fairly and can learn, work, and live in a fair, equitable, and respectful environment.

Have a problem and don’t know where to start? We can help you.

UBC is a big place and sometimes it can be hard to figure out who to talk to, which policy applies, or even name the kind of problem you have. The Ombuds Office can help point you in the right direction. We’ll provide appropriate resources and referrals and help you to identify important issues, your priorities, and desired results.

We are impartial, so we don’t take sides or advocate for either the student, or the university. We call ourselves “advocates for fairness” and strive to empower you to deal directly and effectively with your concerns.

Ombuds office sign

What do we do?

We assist you with a range of issues involving the university from grade reviews and appeals, housing and financial matters, supervisory conflicts and misconduct procedures.

We can:

  • listen and provide an objective perspective
  • provide general resource information and make appropriate referrals
  • identify and explain relevant university policies and processes
  • facilitate discussions and use informal channels to seek resolution
  • help to clarify goals and promote problem-solving
  • work with students to plan strategies and explore options on how best to proceed
  • coach and advise on effective conflict engagement strategies and tactics
  • provide advice, support, and training to faculty and staff who deal with students
  • make recommendations to improve university systems and develop best practices and procedures
Ombuds officer talking to a student

You have a right to fair rules, fair processes, and fair outcomes

It’s important to understand what fairness means at UBC and what you can and cannot expect from the university in their interactions with you. Fairness is about things like having your side of the story heard, having decisions made without bias or favour, and receiving reasons for a decision that impacts you, so you can understand why that decision was made. And fairness doesn’t mean sameness: treating everyone the same can actually be unfair and perpetuate inequality. Feeling fairly treated is a key part of wellbeing so it’s also important for a healthy and thriving university community.

We keep your information confidential

Your personal information is confidential and we will not share it with anybody else without your permission except when:

  • it’s necessary to respond to your request for assistance,
  • it’s required or authorized by law, or
  • there are compelling circumstances that affect someone’s health or safety.

A fair environment is in everyone’s best interest. You feel respected and part of the community when you can trust how rules are made and applied and how decisions are reached. If you have a question about fairness or need help in navigating a challenging situation, visit our website or contact us at The Ombuds Office is also on Twitter and Facebook, so we invite you to connect with us there!