On May 21, UBC will move to a new system called Workday for courses starting in September 2024. Check your email that day for setup instructions. Summer Session students will continue using SSC.

Senior Orientation Leaders
October 4, 2018
2 mins read

Get involved and make an impact

If you are looking to challenge yourself, expand your connections, and make a difference at UBC, becoming an Imagine UBC Senior Orientation Leader (SrOL) may be just what you're looking for.

When I was an Imagine UBC Orientation Leader, my SrOL was the person I looked to for guidance, mentorship, and leadership in my role welcoming new students to UBC.

Imagine UBC Senior Orientation Leaders (or SrOL) are integral to facilitating UBC orientation—in the role, you'll gain valuable leadership experience and a ton of transferable skills. Not only will you have fun and make great memories but you’ll also help to shape our campus culture and the experience of first-year students.

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As an Imagine UBC Senior Orientation Leader, you’ll...

1. Join a network of people who are committed to shaping the student experience on campus including staff, students, and advisors, both in your faculty or school and outside of it.

2. Add valuable, transferable skills to your resume including communication, problem-solving, and mentorship. (To name a few!)

3. Work in a fast-paced, positive, and exciting environment where you’ll be trusted with important responsibilities.

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4. Be part of something that’s bigger than yourself.

5. See firsthand how orientation programs are developed and the values that UBC promotes.

6. Gain different perspectives and expand your network by interacting with the SrOLs from other faculties and schools.

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7. Get feedback from Student Development staff so you can learn where your strengths are and what areas you can improve in when it comes to leadership and working with others.

8. Be inspired by and feel proud of your UBC community.  

9. Motivate a team of students as you mentor Orientation Leaders. I still remember (and draw from) many of the things I learned from my SrOL!

My SrOL helped me grow as a leader as we worked together to welcome new students to campus.

If you're interested in having a similar impact, apply to be an Imagine UBC Senior Orientation Leader! 

Applications open on October 5 and close November 4—what are you waiting for?

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