For students registering for courses starting in September 2024, UBC has switched to a new system, Workday. Please check your email for setup instructions. Summer Session students should continue using SSC.

Students at UBC graduation
April 9, 2019
3 mins read

Everything you need to know before you graduate

It’s finally here! The last month of your last semester as a UBC student in Vancouver.

Suddenly, you’re seeing campus in a whole new light. Whether you’re looking out at the Rose Garden, waiting in the never-ending sandwich line at the Delly, or turning in your final assignment, everything seems a little bit nostalgic.

But all that teary-eyed memory-making can’t get in the way of what really matters: walking the stage and getting your diploma. So what do you need to know to get there?

If you're graduating from UBC Okanagan, please visit the UBCO website for more specific information about graduation.

When is my ceremony?

This year’s grad ceremonies take place between May 20 and 28 at the Chan Centre. When you walk across the stage depends on what department you’re in.

  • Find the date of your specific ceremony on the Graduation website
  • Find your specific procession number (i.e. where you fall in the line up) on the Student Service Centre (SSC) under “Graduation > Apply for Graduation > Get/Edit/View”

What if I can’t (or don’t want to) attend?

If you’ve always known that you don’t want to attend your ceremony, you probably indicated that on your graduation application, so you’re good.

If you had planned on attending but are no longer able to, you can change your attendance status on the SSC until May 6. Otherwise, email to explain your situation and they will instruct you on how to proceed.

In either case, here are 2 options to get your diploma:

  • Pick it up at the Advising Centre in Brock Hall starting June 8
  • Arrange to have it couriered to you through your graduation application on the SSC, or by emailing

What do I wear?

Wear something nice so you can take photos after the ceremony, but on stage you’ll be decked out in a classic cap and gown with your faculty colours on it, a.k.a “regalia”.

Ideally, you’ll rent your regalia in advance by the May 3 deadline and then pick it up on the day of your ceremony.

If you miss the deadline, you can still rent what you need at the Thea and Koerner House (Graduate Student Centre) on the day of. Just know that it’ll cost more and you’ll have to arrive earlier.

How can I get tickets for my family, friends, significant other, life coach, personal chef, yoga teacher, cat…...?

Bad news: you’re only guaranteed 2 tickets. These must be booked online by May 12.

But there’s still hope! On May 13, after all of the free guaranteed tickets are reserved, the remainder will be distributed equally, at $2 per ticket.

The number of extra tickets available to you will depend on how many people choose to walk the stage on the day of your ceremony.

For example, if there are 100 graduates coming to the same ceremony as you and 150 leftover tickets, each person will be able to purchase 1 extra ticket. The remaining 50 are reserved as standby tickets on the day of your ceremony, available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Even if you don’t get all the tickets you need, all is not lost. Every graduation ceremony will be livestreamed.

Where will all of my guests park?

If you have a student parking permit, you can park in the Fraser River Parkade. If you don’t have a permit or you have guests arriving separately, parking will be available at the Rose Garden Parkade for a flat rate of just $10.

But what if I wake up late? What if I spill coffee on my outfit? What if I trip???

Sorry, can’t help ya there.

Congratulations and best of luck, everybody! Here’s to your bright, wide open futures.