For students registering for courses starting in September 2024, UBC has switched to a new system, Workday. Please check your email for setup instructions. Summer Session students should continue using SSC.

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April 23, 2019
3 mins read

UBC Life beyond your first year

As your first year at UBC winds down, maybe you're preparing to say goodbye to new friends, classmates, or floormates—people you’ve come to care about and who you know care about you.

But goodbyes don't have to be final. You can find ways to stay in touch with the new connections you've made and to maintain and grow your friendships—just as you can stay connected to the larger UBC community that cares about you, too.

In your first year here, you’ve gotten UBC Life newsletters regularly, delivered straight into your inbox, sharing with you campus opportunities, resource guides, and advice to help you along your journey. But as your first year ends, so too will these newsletters.

UBC Life and you

It may be time to say goodbye, but the UBC Life blog, along with its Instagram and Twitter accounts, will always be available to you. The UBC Life team will continue to write blog posts—for students, by students—just as we promised at the beginning of the year.

As a UBC Life Writer in my second year, I can tell you that the content we publish is designed to connect every student to the campus community—to new people, places, ideas, and opportunities. We’re here to help you find your place at UBC—because whatever your background or interests, there’s something at UBC for you!

Along the way, we’ve taken you on a tour of what UBC has to offer—beyond the classroom. Some examples:

Guides and tips
Opportunities and events
Features and spotlights

The journey doesn’t end here

There’s just so much more about UBC that all of us have yet to discover: Stay connected to UBC Life online in the months to come, so you never miss out!

Maybe you’ll find something that speaks to you, motivates you, helps you succeed and thrive—maybe even enough to share your own story of inspiration or growth.

Maybe you’ll read a post that shifts your mindset, changes the way you communicate, motivates you to try something new or to give back, or makes you pause and reflect on your journey.

Or maybe you’ll find tips that help you in ways you don’t expect. In fact, two summers ago, I scored this very position as a Student Life Writer by following tips from this blog post on Work Learn positions and this one on interviewing. Who knew that things sometimes do come full circle?

UBC cares and is here for you

Remember that the UBC Life blog, Instagram, and Twitter aren’t the only resources around.

Check out the building that shares our name, the UBC Life Building, where you can find many services dedicated to helping you find answers, plan ahead, and achieve success.

And the UBC Life Building isn’t the only place on campus committed to supporting you. Here’s a phenomenal list of resources to get started with (if you’re not already familiar with them). Be sure to take advantage of UBC’s many resources as you prepare for your second year here—and beyond.

Only you know what will best meet your needs, so take the initiative, reach out, and maximize the rest of your university experience.

First year may be over, but this is just the beginning of the journey for every one of you—so know that UBC’s many resources can be there for us all along the way. Stay in touch!