For students registering for courses starting in September 2024, UBC has switched to a new system, Workday. Please check your email for setup instructions. Summer Session students should continue using SSC.

Students working outside on their laptops
January 13, 2021
3 mins read

Enrich your 2021 with these UBC opportunities

As a UBC student, you have access to a wide range of exciting events, activities, and grants in 2021—and they’re all available online!

Though you may be learning at home right now, there are still a lot of ways to connect with the UBC community (and even other universities around the world). The opportunities listed here can help you develop new skills, network with international academics, make friends, and more—whatever you’re interested in, there’s a way you can get involved. 

Your UBC experience is not limited to just your regular classes, so take advantage of your time as a student to explore your interests and make new connections!

Virtual Go Global

Interested in having an international experience? Select Go Global programs have moved online for this summer, giving you the opportunity to study at an international university or study a special global topic without leaving your house! 

Virtual Summer Abroad allows you to study with a partner university for the summer, ensuring you don’t interrupt your winter schedule. This gives you the chance to engage with international professors and classmates you otherwise wouldn’t get the chance to!

Virtual Global Seminars are led by a UBC faculty member about a specific international topic. They’re a great way to dive in-depth into a topic you may not normally be able to study, and can help you form connections with faculty members and peers in a small cohort. 

Student Leadership Conference

The Student Leadership Conference (SLC) has moved online this year, and is taking place on Saturday, January 23, 2021. Full of presentations and workshops, the SLC can help you become a better student leader and give you the skills to succeed during the rest of your time at UBC, and beyond.

If you’re interested in community-building, leadership, or just want to tackle your New Year's goal of self-improvement, this day is for you. It’s also free to attend this year!


Joining a club isn’t exclusive to September—there are many clubs and organizations you can join year-round. Clubs are an amazing way to make friends and engage in something you’re passionate about, so check out CampusBase to find a club you’re interested in and see how you can get involved. 

Additionally, check out virtual Clubs Days from January 25 to 29 where you’ll get a chance to connect online with club execs and find out more about the clubs you have an eye on. 

Project grants

Is there a global or community issue you’re passionate about? There are several grant opportunities at UBC that ask you to submit your ideas about how you want to change the world. Successful applicants receive funds that allow them to put their ideas into practice. 

If you’re looking for a unique way to get involved, this is an excellent opportunity to gain experience in collaboration, presentation, and innovation. 

UBC tandem

If you’re looking to learn another language, UBC tandem is the program for you. You’ll get paired with a partner who speaks the language you want to learn, while you teach your partner a language you’re fluent in. Learning another language is always valuable, and now is a great time to brush up on your skills. 

Apply by January 21!

Volunteer involvement

Did you know you can volunteer online? There's lots of ways to contribute to your community, even as most things have moved online—check out the Term 2 Virtual Volunteer Fair on January 26 to find volunteer opportunities. Volunteering provides a chance to network, try out different things to see what you’re interested in, and make a positive difference in someone’s life! 

UBC Recreation activities

UBC Recreation is offering a bunch of activities this term, no matter where you may be in the world. Whether it’s COVID-safe intramurals on campus or online fitness classes, there are ways for you to stay active safely. Try out the Virtual Run/Roll/Walk challenges for some motivation, or join the Esports league for a unique, online intramural experience. 

You can have a vibrant, social Term 2 and summer term—get out of your comfort zone and explore what UBC has to offer!