For students registering for courses starting in September 2024, UBC has switched to a new system, Workday. Please check your email for setup instructions. Summer Session students should continue using SSC.

Student with laptop
April 3, 2018
2 mins read

Rate your course and help future students

As simple as a buzzfeed quiz - but way more consequential - course evaluations are an easy and effective way to give your profs insight into how you felt as a student in their class.

Course evaluations are now open online and I’m here to encourage you to fill yours out if you haven’t done so already.

Why? By sharing your feedback you have the opportunity to change a course for future students.

I once had a professor tell me that they switched the books taught in their course due to the feedback from students on these evaluations. Think of the influence that gives us!

If that’s not reason enough, let me highlight 3 other reasons why you should complete your course evaluations:

1. They’re confidential and anonymous.

Like me you may be too timid to give suggestions to your professor in person. These surveys are the perfect place to share your honest thoughts and experiences without worrying if it’ll affect your grade. You do log in with your CWL, but your profs absolutely won’t know who has submitted which responses.

2. Professors actually read them!

Wish more math problems were solved during class? Suggest it. Loved the field trip you went on? Highlight that.

This is your chance to communicate directly with your profs by providing positive affirmation (who doesn’t love a thumbs-up?) or constructive criticism, which, I repeat, can help make a course better for future students.

3. It doesn’t take long to complete.  

You can fill these out in the 10-minute Starbucks line for a latte, or on your bus ride home. All you have to do is go through a couple of questions and click some buttons. It doesn’t get easier than that! If you have more to say, there’s also space to write your feedback.

This is our chance as students to make change. Take advantage of the opportunity to share your thoughts and fill in the course evaluations by April 9. Future students will thank you!