For students registering for courses starting in September 2024, UBC has switched to a new system, Workday. Please check your email for setup instructions. Summer Session students should continue using SSC.

A group of students standing outdoors on their phones participating in UX research
July 18, 2023
2 mins read

Support UBC research and make some extra cash

Do you have long breaks between classes? Want to make some extra cash? Participate in research studies on campus and get gift cards or money.

What are the studies like?

It really depends on what you sign up for. Different labs run different types of studies, all researching various topics. Usually, you can receive at least $10 for 1 hour of your time.

Some I’ve done include:

  • Washing a cup of chocolate syrup with as little water as possible
  • Maintaining eye contact with a stranger for 10 minutes
  • Locating an unknown building on campus without a phone

Sounds interesting, right? Here’s a list of studies to get you started!

Paid Psychology Studies

These studies are open to the general public, so make sure you review the eligibility requirements before signing up. Usually, you'll receive cash for your time.

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Marketing Studies

Sauder offers paid studies for UBC students from time to time. An example study could be to provide feedback about a retail company’s online interactions with its customers.

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Motor Skills Lab

UBC Kinesiology researchers run studies investigating human motor learning or movement. Past studies have featured dart-throwing and balance tests.

Find studies


Sometimes research units promote their studies via the online job board. Search keywords including “research study”, “participant”, or “paid research study” to browse available studies. Make sure that you’re signing up for UBC research.

Visit CareersOnline


Answer questions about your student experience, or do quick tests for the website to get a gift card. Join the mailing list to be notified for in-person or online tests.

Sign up


  • Studies aren’t always available. Sign up for notifications.
  • Some studies aren’t just for UBC students. Check eligibility requirements.
  • Spots fill up fast! Once you’re notified of a study, sign up ASAP.
  • Know what you signed up for—read the study description in detail.
  • Don’t book a study too close to your class time!
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes early to the study.
  • Give your honest opinion and feedback.
  • If you feel uncomfortable during any part of a research study, you can stop at any time.

Good luck maximizing your break time—and feel good knowing you’re contributing to UBC research!