On May 21, UBC will move to a new system called Workday for courses starting in September 2024. Check your email that day for setup instructions. Summer Session students will continue using SSC.

Canada flag
August 16, 2016
2 mins read

New to Canada, eh?

So you’re moving to Canada to start your UBC adventure. This means you’ll soon encounter different greetings, mannerisms, beliefs, religious practices, leisure culture, social structure, nature of friendships and other relationships, and even the multiple meanings of “let’s have coffee sometime”.

You might be excited about all these changes, but at the same time, you might also be feeling uncertain about what it means to navigate a new culture.

You might compare your life in a new country with the norms back home; you might focus on what you see as weaknesses and start to feel frustrated about your new environment. This is completely normal! But fear not – as you get used to things, you’ll start to see what you first considered as ‘negative,’ as just a different way of doing things.

Top tips to help you through your cultural transition

  • Be (pro)active and learn about Canadian culture prior to arrival to UBC. Some good resources to get started with include this introduction to Canadian culture and this overview of Canadian language, culture, customs and etiquette;
  • Try not to criticize your new environment; rather, try to make logical sense of the new culture. You can do this by reflecting on characteristics of your own culture, and what makes something 'Canadian';
  • Keep patient and have a sense of humour when encountering new experiences;
  • Take the time to get to know the area and make friends with locals. This is a great way of getting first-hand explanations of cultural norms. Some good ways to meet locals (including UBC students) include:
  • When you arrive to UBC, get a taste of UBC culture. You could do that by:
  • Remember that you are not alone! Keep confident and reach out to friends and family both in Vancouver and back home.

Getting help with your cultural transition

Undergoing a cultural transition experience can be a positive, rewarding, and even transformative life experience. There are lots of people at UBC who are here to help you make the most of it! They include:

International Student Advisors, your Residence Advisor (if you’re living in residence); UBC Counseling Services and the Wellness Centre, to name a few.