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Virtual Imagine Day Illustration
August 21, 2020
3 mins read

What you'll get out of joining Imagine UBC this year

Although it’ll look different this year, Imagine UBC remains a classic campus tradition. But right now you might be wondering: Is it still worth it to go?

Short answer: It really, really is!

On Tuesday, September 8, you’ll have the chance to explore the fantastic opportunities that Imagine UBC offers! Together with thousands of your classmates, you’ll summon the boundless power of the online cosmos to kick off your first year at UBC.

What you can expect

Imagine UBC replaces what would otherwise be your first day of classes with many hours of virtual fun—from meeting classmates and profs in your faculty to attending the high-energy Pep Rally with UBC community members from all around the world! There’s also the online Main Event to look forward to—where you’ll get to explore an amazing range of student clubs and organizations that you can join.

You’ll get a personalized schedule from the UBC Orientations Team in early September, so keep an eye out for that email!

Why you should join

1. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime experience

We probably all remember a time in elementary or high school when we got to go with our class on a field trip, retreat, or camping trip. Those memories stick to us more strongly than cling wrap sticks to itself—these were times that really got us feeling connected to our classmates...and that we knew wouldn't ever come again. 

Well, the same can go for your relationship with Imagine UBC: you only get to experience it as a New-to-UBC undergrad once. Uno.

Sure, it’s possible that you can become an Imagine Orientation Leader next year—which I ∞/10 personally recommend—and experience Imagine UBC then; however, it may not resonate as much with you in your OL capacity, since the programming is especially tailored to engage new students. (When you attend as a returning student in the future, you will want to attend programming from departments and clubs that is designed just for you.)

If you’re a transfer student, and you’ve experienced an orientation similar to Imagine UBC at a previous institution, I promise you’ll still get a lot out of it. It’s worth attending to meet your new classmates and your campus community!

2. It’s a chance to make connections and explore UBC

Imagine UBC is a fantastic opportunity to meet other first years from the incoming class of 2020! As well, you get to connect with your UBC community: you’ll hear from President Santa Ono and other university admin as well as your faculty’s student leaders!

With its signature Main Event, Imagine UBC will also be one of the few days you get to virtually check out ‘booths’ put up by the many campus clubs offered (the other dates being AMS Clubs Days, which take place in late September and January each year—more info to come on the AMS website, so check back there!). You’ll have the chance to pinpoint your niche, find your UBC family, and follow your bliss on your own (hero’s) journey throughout your time here.

3. It’s a getaway...before exams come romping along

You’ve got to trust me on this. 

Once class starts, you will get an uncanny sense that you’re playing a rigged game of hide-and-seek with time. It evades you, it slips by you, and you frequently find yourself frantically searching up “time” in the Collins English Dictionary, 13th ed., to prove to yourself that it exists (after you’ve finished your long list of to-dos, of course).

Whenever you feel stressed or a little overwhelmed, you can fall back on these fond memories to, I hope, rekindle your motivation.

Imagine UBC is a special opportunity that you don’t want to miss out on—hope to see you there online on Sep 8, 2020!

If you’ve got questions you’d like to clarify, reach out to your Orientation Leader or email