For students registering for courses starting in September 2024, UBC has switched to a new system, Workday. Please check your email for setup instructions. Summer Session students should continue using SSC.

student reading
August 13, 2021
5 mins read

The new student's dictionary

Walking onto campus can feel like you’ve been initiated into a secret organisation full of made-up words and acronyms that sound like spells.

Luckily, I’ve unlocked these ancient riddles and have the answers for you. 

If any of the words or acronyms you've heard so far are a little confusing (or if you ever need some clarification throughout the year), this dictionary has got you covered!

Online tools and technologies:

CWL: This stands for “Campus-Wide Login” and grants you access to Canvas, the SSC (see below), and more. You probably already have one, but if not, head here to set one up.

Workday: Workday is a new student information system replacing the Student Service Centre (SSC) at UBC for the 2024/25 academic year. You can use Workday to complete essential tasks like registering for courses, updating your personal information, paying your tuition, and more.

SSC: The “Student Service Centre” is the old student information system now being replaced by Workday. If you’re registered in the 2024 Summer Session, you can keep using the SSC for summer classes.

Canvas: The brushstrokes of your classes are painted on this online platform where professors upload course materials and you can hand in assignments, partake in discussions, take quizzes, and see assignment grades.

UBC Secure: Feel secure that this Wi-Fi network provided to the UBC community will get you through your assignments. It's available in most buildings on campus, but you might need to use your data outside sometimes. Log on using your CWL. 

Collaborate Ultra: I think it sounds like a particularly expensive tandem bicycle, but Collaborate Ultra is a video and audio conferencing tool that your profs may activate through Canvas. If your course uses it, it can help you connect with your profs, TAs, and classmates through lectures, discussions, office hours, presentations, and more!

Zoom: At this point we’re probably all pretty familiar with Zoom, but you might use it for class this year when Collaborate Ultra isn’t an option. Does this Mazda commercial from my childhood play in my head every time I open Zoom? Yes. Every time

On campus:

Koerner: This library is a good place for some quiet studying, and is also home to one of the largest collections of books on campus, from contemporary fiction to all the juicy texts you’ll need for your essays.

The Nest: This big, shiny building is the heart of campus—you can get all kinds of food here or get some studying in. It's also where you'll find offices of resources like AMS Peer Support and the AMS SASC (Sexual Assault Support Centre).  

IKB: The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre is the other big, shiny building in the middle of campus, and houses classrooms, study spaces, and the Music, Art, and Architecture Library. It was actually the first library on campus when it opened in 1925, though it’s had some updates since then!

SRC: The Student Recreation Centre has facilities to work out in and houses intramural sports, fitness classes, and other activities. You might even write an exam in here!

BirdCoop: Come here to send a raven or owl back home...wait, what? That doesn’t work in real life? Then where have all those letters I’ve been sending gone? Apparently, this is simply the gym inside the SRC—great for a workout though! 

The ARC: You can pronounce this one as though it’s not in all caps. The ARC is the spiffy new gym in the basement of the Life Building. Get sweaty.

UBC Life Building: You might hear an old-timer or two call this place the “Old SUB” (it was basically the previous Nest). It’s a great place to hang out, study, grab a bite to eat, exercise, or visit student services like Go Global and International Student Advising.  


Academic Calendar: Not only does the Calendar function as a, you know, calendar of key dates over the year, but you'll also find important information on degree requirements and university policies here. 

Syllabus: In case you didn’t have these in high school, a syllabus is usually distributed at the beginning of the semester. It outlines what books and materials you’ll need for the course, important dates, and contact info for the course administrators. The constitution of every class.

TA: Teaching Assistants are usually upper-year undergraduate or graduate students who help the course professor mark assignments, respond to questions, and lead tutorials. 

Lecture: Other than what your parents give you when their George Foreman Grill ends up on the roof of the neighbour’s house (just me?), lectures are the core of many lower-level programs. They usually involve listening to a professor or lecturer speak for 50 to 80 minutes on a topic while you take notes and ask questions. 

Tutorial: Tutorials (sometimes called “discussions”) usually accompany lectures once a week, and are held in a smaller group. They’re a chance to work through difficult course material with the professor or a TA, ask further questions, or discuss readings. 

Lab: In science-oriented courses, labs offer practical experience that complement the course material. Work is usually done in small groups under the supervision of a TA. Labs are usually done in an actual laboratory. Bring out your inner mad scientist (but use your powers for good).

Other resources to know:

AMS: Rhymes with hams. Just kidding, it’s an acronym. Please say all the letters individually. The Alma Mater Society acts as the student government and is responsible for providing services like the AMS Food Bank, managing student health plans, operating The Nest, and more. 

ESA: Tragically not the European Space Agency, but our ESAs are pretty cool, too. Enrolment Services (or ES) Advisors can help you budget, apply for loans and bursaries, and answer questions about UBC’s regulations and processes. Get the contact info for your assigned ES Advisor in your SSC under Personal Info > UBC Contacts.

UBC Rec: Whether you’re a regular Simone Biles or just beginning your fitness journey, UBC Recreation has something for you! Check out for things to know before you visit, or explore their Get Active at Home section for online fitness classes, tips, and more!

Residence life:

RA: One letter away from rad, RAs, or Residence Advisors, are upper-year students who typically live on each floor in residence. They help connect you to UBC, and are always available to provide support, advice, and guidance.

RLMs: Residence Life Managers (RLMS) are professional Residence Life staff who oversee Residence Advisors and help manage the residence community. 

Meal plan: The idea of the meal plan is pretty straightforward. Basically, you load your UBCcard with a certain amount of money, which can be used in the residence dining room and at a variety of locations across campus.

  • First-year students living in residence: Learn more about your Residence Meal Plan
  • Off-campus and upper-year students: Check out the Chomp Meal Plans for ways to save money on food at UBC

UBC Eats: This meal subscription program run by UBC Food Services offers chef-prepared meals made on campus with local ingredients. Meals are delivered to your door—no delivery fees and no tips required. 

Come back to this page and the UBC Life blog anytime you want some clarification or advice—we’ve got your back!