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Three students in the Global Lounge
August 15, 2018
3 mins read

The Global Lounge: A vibrant community

“When you enter the Global Lounge, you step into more than a physical space—you join a community of people with whom you activate and define your role as a citizen of the world.”

The Simon K.Y. Lee Global Lounge and Resource Centre is both a space and a community for everyone interested in international issues—and the first thing you need to know is that it’s not just for international students!

The Global Lounge is open to students of ALL backgrounds—particularly those with an interest in social change and/or a desire to deepen their knowledge and understanding of different cultures. There are 40 globally-focused clubs and organizations that make their home at the Global Lounge.

From the Africa Awareness Initiative to the UBC Social Enterprise Club, these student-run groups are part of the vibrant and diverse Global Lounge Network. This network enables students and organizations passionate about global issues to find each other, exchange ideas, and collaborate on inspiring projects that better their communities and the world.

Not sure if you’re interested in international issues?

That’s okay! The Global Lounge community is still a place where you can relax, meet new people, and even learn a new language. You’re invited to check out the clubs that are part of the Global Lounge Network—but you don’t need to be part of any club or network to enjoy the space or participate in its many activities.

Here are just a few reasons why you should drop by the Global Lounge:

  1. Learn a new language and teach someone yours. Join the UBC tandem Language Learning Program. The tandem program is an opportunity for students, staff, and faculty to exchange different languages, and gives you the chance to learn and meet new people. You don’t have to be a native speaker or fully fluent to offer a language to teach.
  2. Enjoy free food and insightful company. There's always some thought-provoking event happening here and more often than not these events will have free food for anyone in attendance. What else evokes the idea of home and community like a shared meal?
  3. Grab a free cup of coffee. Starbucks too expensive or out of your way? Well, we've got fair trade coffee and tea. Get your caffeine fix without paying a dime—and make a friend while you’re at it!
  4. Chat with friendly Global Lounge student staff. We have 6 Community Animators and 2 tandem Coordinators who are all students passionate about sparking and facilitating conversations on world-changing (and other) topics. Any one of them would be more than happy to sit and talk with you over tea or coffee about what goes on in the space and how you can be part of this amazing community.

Finding my home at the Global Lounge

When I first arrived at UBC, I was looking for a place to belong, meet new people, and get involved. The Global Lounge offered all of this—and more!

I first got involved through a network member club called the Caribbean African Association. We held many events at the Global Lounge and through that, I met different people and made friends. The more I was present in the space—whether to attend a club event, to study, or even to relax between classes—the more it became mine.

It became familiar through the meaningful connections I was making, the faces I would recognize, and the one couch that felt a little too comfortable because of the countless number of times I spent napping, studying, talking, laughing, listening, or Skyping on it.

I remember the first time I stepped into the Global Lounge, it was actually on a random errand to help a friend pick up something that was left for them. Little did I know how much this space would come to mean to me during my time at UBC.

Here, I found my community: a home, friends, like-minded individuals, and an opportunity to grow as a leader and global citizen.

Visit the Global Lounge

The Global Lounge is opened during the academic year (September to April).


Monday to Friday: 12:00 to 8:00 pm 
Saturday to Sunday: Closed